hello charlotte.
i along with many others adore this game. it has good portrayal of mental illness and neurodivergency along with an amazing story and relatable cast.
i've made a website to give a brief explanation to newcomers.
please click the symbol down below to begin exploration!
^^be sure to interact with all the symbols too.
works best on computer but can work on mobile. clicking the spoilers on mobile shows the spoilers !
click to begin your rpg adventure !
first game
adventure ; horror ; sci-fi
explore the house and the TV world. try not to die.
charlotte wiltshire explores her house until she loses her tenant's nephew, felix. she jumps through "tv channels" to find him.
she finds him in a labyrinth but in order to escape, she has to let a strange man possess her so he can sacrifice a body to be used to leave. she accepts, and they leave. they shuffle through more channels until they meet the Oracle, a godlike being that is going to die. charlotte accepts the Oracle into her body to get enough power to finally go back to the house.
two years after HC1
$3.00 USD
puzzle ; horror ; sci-fi
go to school and make friends before the Trial.

charlotte goes to school to see a boy being beat up. she pepper-sprays the attackers and becomes friends with this boy, "C," or vincent wordsworth. he is revealed to think of himself as a God. she also meets up wth her somewhat manipulative friend anri. later, the suicide of scarlett eyler is announced. charlotte begins to meet "frei," the oracle, in her sleep.
more events happen, and a few days after, charlotte learns that she accidentally killed a few animals by giving them toxic food. she is ridden with grief until C comes to take her on an adventure. they travel into villages of bugs until C faces charlotte with a decision. to "live with him in his heavenly kingdom." a suicide pact, essentially. to accept means to get the happy end and become a god.
however, that isnt the end of the story. to say "no" is to be punished by the principal of the school for attempting to escape the "trial," which is a way for the society to weed out (aka kill) the bad eggs among the school. C covers for charlotte, which brings him down merit points and therefor makes it very likely for him to lose the trial and die. she is also harassed by bullies which leads to her having her hair chopped off.
trial day comes and you are faced with three options, three endings.
black end (vote for/help C): anri gets enraged and admits that she ordered the bullying to force charlotte out of her "delusions," implying that she has schizophrenia. charlotte is marked to die, and she is killed along with the oracle that lives inside her. charlotte dies not knowing that C is a false god.
grey end (vote for/help anri): c is chosen to die. umbrella man comes along to say that C is a regular human and a fake god. C is put inside the "smile room," the execution room and charlotte runs after him. however, it is too late and he has already been disposed of. charlotte is so overcome with grief over the ways of the world that she consumes everyone and everything in the world, so everything can be at peace. she became a black hole of a god. umbrella man (who reveals his name to be charles) comes back after charlotte has devoured the world and charlotte proposes a deal: receive C's soul data so he can become a person among the stars, and in return, umbrella man eats her name. making her existence forgotten. she agrees, and the timeline is reset.
white end (vote for no one and remain neutral): anri gets upset while C and charlotte are both chosen to die. C admits that he is a false god and passes away shortly after. but not charlotte. charlotte tells frei she wants to save C, and save everyone. so he obliges. but as she finds out, when she wished for everyone to be happy, it made all of them a brainless hive mind of her. she ate every ego in the universe and became the oracle of the world. umbrella man came and charlotte told him she wished to die. but he refused, and said instead that he would teach her how to hone her power to remake the world from the ground up. and they walked into the clouds together.

different timeline [sequel/prequel]
$3.00 USD
adventure ; psychological horror ; dark humor
everything you knew about the first two games was a lie :)
a new charlotte is introduced, one much more sardonic and sadistic than the first charlotte we met. the story picks up from the white end of game 2. this new charlotte, known as Q84, spends her time going against the plot of the game.
click here for the spoiler (gonna beg you not to though)
major, uncensored spoilers ahead. i would recommend not looking at this part unless youve finished the series.
im actually begging you this game is so much better when you go in blind </3
true realm = real life
false realm = fiction / the game
Q84 is a defective charlotte vessel that became self aware, akin to monika from ddlc.
the game takes place in two arcs.
ep 0: Q84 goes to school to meet this reality's anri, who is a victim of Q84's bullying. C, known as charles, and scarlet eyler are both alive. Q84 goes on to attend her club, "white society." she uses this club as a sort of trial, like in game 2. she executes students that did nothing wrong, essentially. no one stops her. she can do whatever she wants. she goes home, and we learn that most of the tenants do not like her.
on day two, charlotte, anri, and some nameless others go to anris house and find her younger brother decomposing. she goes back to white society to do another trial.
true realm:
there is a flashback. anri and a new character are spotted collecting blackmail on students. you learn that this new character is charles eyler, and you play as him. he has psychotic episodes, intrusive thoughts, and suspected aspergers, and takes various medications. he writes online and draws for his friend, vincent fennell. (yes, vincent fennell and wordsworth are connected. wordsworth is the false realm version of this guy.) you can also gather that charles "catfishes" as a girl named charlotte, named after the fanfictions main character, when talking to vincent fennell, known by his alias C.
lo and behold, we meet scarlet eyler. scarlet is introduced as charles' sister that died in the womb. she manifests as a destructive "tulpa," bossing him around, telling him to harm himself and berating him. he takes pills to make her go away, then he goes to his mother, bedridden. they talk, and charles' mother refers to him as scarlet instead of charles, emphasizing her mental health issues.
"she's looking right at me, but all she sees is scarlet eyler."
false realm:
the story shifts back to Q84. she angers bennett then shows off her respawning abilities by killing herself before she gets too dirty.
another excecution takes place, but now the victim is anri warhol.
before anri can die, scarlet eyler steps in to end the show. by stabbing Q84 multiple times.
true realm:
another flashback to charles eyler. him and anri go on a date. they are each others pretend partners, it gives anri comfort mainly. he goes back home and scarlet belittles charles' fanfic. charles tries to brush her off, then C/vincent messages him that hes "going to the heavenly domain soon," same as wordsworth in game 2. vincent wants to meet charles before he commits suicide. charles agrees, to scarlet's dismay. scarlet drags charles to the balcony and threatens to throw him off unless he apologizes and listens to her. he apologizes.
false realm:
back to Q84 now, dying. scarlet is there as well, and she speaks to you. the player. Q84 is revived again, speaks to C, and gets knocked out.
she awakes to the tenants trying to kill her for good. she escapes and goes to school.
true realm:
vincent fennell, is about to commit suicide. charles is beside him. he (of course) learns that charles isnt a cute anime girl, but he doesnt care (yeah hes a bicon 😤). they have a nice talk. vincent brings up his "universe theory." he says that when people die, their souls explode and create a smaller universe based off of their mind. charles refers to vincent as the "god of his world" in his thoughts ("why become the god of some unknown place when youre the god of my world already?"), but he keeps quiet. vincent falls off the building and charles watches. scarlet mutters "good riddance," charles calls the ambulance, and runs. later, anri reveals that she's moving away. charles brings up the idea of running away together, and anri actually listens. they book a hotel. but its only by the time they get to the hotel that anri learns that charles intended for them to die in a suicide pact. she gets mad, and they dont do anything. charles gets more and more obsessive over the color white, to become "pure" like vincent was.
the next scene shows charles in the ocean. its the day of "the trial" that tulpa scarlet always talked about, and as she said: he failed. he says he doesnt want to be a protagonist anymore. he says that a character like charlotte would be much better.
"it was a story of giving up."
scarlet comes one last time. she tells him to get out, to live. but charles is already sinking.
and he cant hear her voice anymore.
scarlet wakes up in another world. going off of the universe death theory, she was reborn into her own mind universe after she died with charles. she is now in the false realm, not the real world. she is no longer a tulpa, but a real person. she is greeted by this universe's "charles eyler" (its actually umbrella man in disguise). scarlet is also remorseful of her time as a tulpa, and apologizes to charles. he accepts. the world scarlet was born into is the one that Q84 is in now, and charles, despite being a god, is simply an observer. only scarlet herself can stop Q84. off she goes. +++
and so we connect back to when Q84 was almost killed by scarlet. before scarlet can publicly execute Q84, Q84 reveals that she now knows about all of charles eyler's past, and shes going to get revenge on scarlet. Q84's restraints go undone and she gets healed magically. she used the power that charles' mother had over him to free herself. Q84 says that mother is the real god of this world, and that she has supreme power. suddenly, scarlet eyler is impaled. Q84 says hello to the player, to you, and proceeds to blend scarlet eyler to a pulp.
but it turns out, Q84's wish to mother is a "one-use only." and that the wisher dies almost immediately after using it. C comes back to Q84 dying, and says that he will miss her.
umbrella man comes back when Q84 dies, and speaks to C. C tries to ask him if he can get her back. umbrella man says there's nothing that he can do, and that he has a new universe for him and the player to explore.
ep3 starts.
the ddlc similarities become clear, as you have to start a new game to experience the second part of game 3.
a new charlotte, an antagonist now, is born. scarlet is seen too. the new charlotte says, "let's meet where mother is." scarlet awakes, bleeding. she crawls to Q84's dead body in disbelief. scarlet asks the player to find a place to hide from new charlotte. she goes to Q84's house and uses a vent to get in. scarlet awakes to felix, who after some discussion, agrees to help her. felix introduces her to "the oracle," a parasite he contained. scarlet wants to get the parasite injected, despite felix saying its basically suicide. felix surprisingly agrees, and operates on her.
they both explore a village on a floor that new charlotte might be in. to their dismay, its the wrong charlotte. scarlet goes back to the house, and sleeps. the next day, scarlet and florence go to another floor. this time, the charlotte of the floor is nothing but floating organs. she "lives" only to provide power to the floor. wrong charlotte.
next floor is scarlet and bennett. due to scarlet being passed out from the journey, you play as bennett exploring the landfill of a floor. after clearing various puzzles, he meets the charlotte of the floor, who sacrificed herself to save everyone on the floor. they leave.
to the next level, scarlet goes alone.
suddenly, we go to charles eyler. despite being dead in the true realm, he appears in his usual form. and he managed to bring back Q84. they are on the 11th floor, one that resembles the true realm. he needs her help, and she oblidges. they go into charles' father's room, and we go back to scarlet.
she found the charlotte wiltshire she was looking for, known as V19. despite scarlet only being there to speak to and understand charlotte, she feels an insense urge to kill her, and scarlet begins strangling. until V19 dies.
scarlet realizes what shes done when its too late. she cant understand charlotte anymore. unless. scarlet eyler takes charlotte wiltshire's place. she does it to atone, and to make things "better." to prove herself.
and the first words of the first game plays.
scarlet eyler becomes the charlotte of the first two games, cementing this as a prequel.
charles and Q84 watch this all unfold on a little TV in the 11th floor, in charles' father's room. aka seth, aka the umbrella man.
and seth appears in front of them both, and talks to us, the player. because we can save scarlet eyler. saving means breaking the TV, and ending the loop. ending the universe.
you have two choices. save scarlet, now charlotte wiltshire, or change the channel.
to switch the channel means to evoke seth's disappointment. but he lets you switch the channel nonetheless. every time charles switches the channel, charlotte dies in a new unsightly way. Q84 stops him. she says that she will use the white society to make the rest of the students into pythias vessels for scarlet.
this is the "happy" end.
saving scarlet means smashing the TV, and Q84 takes it upon herself to do the deed. charles waits outside.
and so ends charlotte wiltshire's story.
charles and Q84 go to where mother is. charles says goodbye to vincent, forever. mother is dying. the world is dying, and it's dying for good.
and as the world crumbles, Q84 hugs charles.
"theres nothing to be sad about."
charles talks to us. the world is about to collapse, and he says a final goodbye to the player. he says that he can let go of his regrets because we agreed to hear his story.
charlotte wiltshire is there too, and she says thanks to us as well, for taking care of her.
this is the true end.
thank you.
full lore summary.

this is really just the charles eyler show tbh
a chaotic spin-off that takes place between the first two games. not canon at all, but fun nonetheless.

heavens gate.
a spin-off visual novel based off of the true realm. features charles eyler, vincent fennell, and anri warhol in an alternate, but similar, universe.
the one that started it all.
depressed fanfic writer that committed suicide. idolized vincent an unhealthy amount.
the god of (t)his world.
charles' friend.
commits suicide, sending charles' obsessions off the rails.
charlotte wilt.
a lovely little girl that is harmed to evoke sympathy from the audience. based off of charles' self-insert.
scarlett eyler [true]
abortion tulpa.
abusive to no end, dies with charles eyler.
scarlett eyler [false]
charlotte wiltshire before she became charlotte wiltshire. martyr.

felix hon.
huxley's nephew. is an experiment in HC3 timeline. close friend of charlotte. helps scarlet become oracle.

believes himself to be a god. main character of HC2 and appears in HC3. revealed to be charles in a vincent vessel.

umbrella man
charles' father.
watches over charlotte and guides her. has more power than mother, somehow. also called "seth."

anri [false]
charlotte's "friend." is manipulative in HC2, but becomes a servant to Q84.
name | game | race | info |
bennett | 1, 2, 3 | alien | soap eater ♥ / tenant |
aiden | 1, 2, 3 | alien | butler |
huxley | 1, 2, 3 | alien | doctor |
florence | 1, 2, 3 | alien | lab worker |
frei | 1, 2, 3 | pythias | space/time manipulator |
oracle | 1, 2, 3 | oracle | god |
v19 | 3 | puppet | antagonist |
charlotte [del] | del | puppet | spin-off charlotte |
seth | all | puppeteer | you, the player |
credit and info
*hello charlotte deals with many mature themes, including gore (eye gore too), self harm, suicide and death. please keep in mind.
it is in japanese, ukrainian, polish, korean, russian, spanish, brazilian, german, thai, and chinese.
HC1 is on steam, but listed as a demo for HC2. heavens gate is on steam, but listed as a DLC for HC3.
thank you for making it this far !